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yo. so what if i just smoked a bed time joint?

i seriously spent several hours browsing this fine website:

Food Porn Daily . com

perfect for those with the munchies, even more perfect for the stoner who cooks.

roll your own

before you trip out to today's dank site, hear this: starting today, Dank Sites will bring you a new site every day of the weekend. You're welcome. Now help a brother out and click on those ads in the sidebar....

Now back to the dank:

beware: the following website is very, very dank. we're talking medical grade. i personally spent several hours on this dank site.

Create some music

hint: click on the squares. each row is a different note.

think fast

did you just rip bong? you're totally baked.

prove that stoners aren't stupid, take fun quizes on Sporcle.

mind fuck

wow you're really high.

turn out all the lights, hit full screen, and check this out:

cause i provide that new, new

welcome to dank sites, stoner.
well, now that you're high you should probably do something fun.

go checkout Grooveshark. it's like an internet based itunes...and your library has every song imaginable.

oh, and you can make playlists too.