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stoned songs: volume 1

A few notes before you dive into this post:
1. The grooveshark widgets may take a second to load
2. This is only Volume 1 -- Volume 2 of Stoned Songs is soon to come
3. Looking for a lot more stoner music? Check out Toker Tunes dot Com

Hit the "read more" link to hear those sweet tunes:

so it's been a while since our last update, but i've rounded up for you a bunch of tunes that go great with toking:

Some people say that Cudi is the new Kanye -- either way, this song is a dank combination of the two. Don't like Kanye after he bugged out at Taylor Swift? See the next song for some pure Cudi:

good song to listen to when blazing after some HATERZZ have been HATTINGGG on your HERRBBB

need something more chill? don't bug about about the sirens at the beginning:

looking for more of a hipster sound? maybe something with a trippy video? here you go:

want some songs that are just about smoking some sweet sweet sensi?

ever had one of those days where you try and try, but just can't find any herb?
but then, after hours of searching, you finally score?
this song is for you:


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