Seen something you think should be on The Dank?
Send it to !


I'll make this short and simple:
Economic power influences government.
According to NORML, more than 14 million Americans use marijuana regularly (and I'll bet that number has increased to at least 15 million in this past year).
Marijuana users come from all walks of life - working class, ganja riche, business owners, politicians, teachers, etc.

If all (or the majority) of marijuana users in America went on some kind of "strike" - be it from paying a certain tax, using/participating in a government service, or something else - it would call great attention to not only the large amount of marijuana users in our society, but also their large leverage on society.
We can achieve legalization through a consolidated group action.

Got an idea as to how we can act as one to show our government, society, and world that marijuana users are everywhere and everyone, and that we want legalization now? Leave a comment!

How to: Make bubble hash

Great 8 part series from the youtube: How to make bubble hash from shake, leaf, or bud.

Hit up the read more link for the videos


Ice Cube - Smoke Some Weed
(I chose this particular version because the person who uploaded it to youtube titled it: "Dedicated To Obama, The FBI, The DEA, The CIA, Border Patrol & Cops!")

ROOR/Playboy Hookah?


(photos via

Does it press?

Today's Dank is from Medical Marijuana Bootcamp. From the creators of and, MMJ Bootcamp is one of the best online sources for information about medical marijuana. They're also pretty chill guys and they do some funny shit.

Check out one of their most recent episodes, where they experiment with a kief press. Interesting concept!

The Comprehensive Guide to Smoking in Your Room Without Getting Caught

There are a lot of guides online that tell you how to smoke in your room without getting caught...but most of those methods aren't more than a couple drier sheets and a towel under the door.
Using a combination of new- and old-school methods of discreet smoking, a little scientific knowledge, and some common sense, we've created a fool-proof method for smoking in your room without getting caught. Just make sure you read through all the instructions before attempting this method.

The Ulitmate Bong

This is an Illadelph Quad Coil.

Disc diffuser A/C --> inline perc --> 2nd disc diffuser A/C --> disc diffused permanent downstem --> insane dome/disc perc --> 4 liquid nitrogen coils --> your lungs.

This bong probably costs more than a car.

See more pictures of this fucking awesome piece here.

Beautiful Bongs

For those who like to keep an eye on the latest Medical Glassware...

Aqua Lab Technologies has some new tubes in, including this beautiful 2 foot double halo perc ZOB. They also have a bunch of Illadelph upstem ash catchers, some new TORO tubes and ash catchers, and much, much more.

Why Marijuana Prohibition is Illegal in America

The American professional field called "Medicine" has a legal monopoly over the provision of health care and maintenance of the human body.

Monopolies are illegal.
Marijuana legalization is required in order to create a competitive market for human health care and the maintenance of the human body (and mind).
The government is endorsing the monopoly of mainstream medical care by legally prohibiting a scientifically valid alternative medicine.

The Dank Daily

As of today, January 28th, 2010, DankSites is officially renamed "The Dank Daily".
What does this mean for you, the reader? Well, it means that The Dank will be featuring more exclusive content, more current events, and (still) more dank links/videos/music from all over the internet.
If you have us bookmarked, make sure you update your link:

If you have any suggestions for us (articles you want to see, how-to guides you need, funny videos you found, anything!) please send them in to! We'll even give you a shout out if we end up posting it!

Top 10 mistakes of a newbie stoner

1. What do you mean, you're not throwing down?
Listen up Newbie, the only time you should get smoked up for free is your first time (or if you do something deserving). So ask your new-found stoner friends how they get weed, then get out 20 bucks and buy yourself a bag. If you don't throw down, you're probably not going to be smoking. Assuming that your friends are gonna smoke you up is like going to the movies with them and assuming they'll buy your ticket for you...Don't be that asshole, buy your own bud.

2. Stop being so paranoid, it's not like you robbed a bank

Seriously - chill out and stop whipping your head around like you're trying to remove it from your neck. Try to be quiet, try to move less... you'll only get caught if you smoke somewhere stupid or draw a lot of attention to yourself. So chill the fuck out, and don't ruin the vibe.
(Oh, and if you're really worried about getting caught, watch this)

3. No, it isn't laced, you're just really high
You didn't get a lung-full of PCP when you hit that joint, the rest of us are clearly all fine. If you're not experienced with high quality marijuana, it's not unusual to feel like you just dropped a tab of acid. You're just really high. Just take a few more tokes and you'll mellow out.

4. Coughing gets you higher
Quit puffing your cheeks out like you're some kind of chipmunk. No one cares if you let out a cough - there's an old stoner saying "Coughing gets you higher". Just let it all out and try not to cough on anyone - you'll feel better and you won't look like a fucking idiot.

5. ... but don't cough into the bowl
Never, ever blow air BACK INTO A BOWL. Unless you're clearing a bowl that has already been finished, never blow air back into any type of smoking device. You'll cause the weed to fly out and be lost forever.

6. Your dealer doesn't sell pot as a full time job
Chill out dude, he's got other things to do besides selling you a dime bag. He's on his way home from out of town, he's gotta sell some other kid a half, he's gotta get a ride from his friend, he's gotta do a million other things. Dealers are people - just like you! They have lives, and they're very busy people. They're out smoking a blunt, and your text for a measly ten bag can fucking wait - get used to it.

7. Stop torching the bowl
It's probably cherried. Just try to take a toke whenever a bowl (or whatever) is passed to you. If it doesn't hit, then light it. Don't torch the bowl when you don't need to - it's a waste. And ask your local experienced stoner about cornering, too.

8. Puff, Puff, Pass
Don't fuck up the rotation. It goes to the left. If you don't want to hit it, just pass it.

9. Did you really just say that in public?
If you're a newbie stoner and you're really baked and you're in public....just keep your mouth shut. DON'T start rattling off all of your paranoid thoughts...if you say "we're gonna get fucking arrested" while you're in line at Burger King, you're just giving it away. You might as well shout "I'M STONED ON MARIJUANA!". Just keep your mouth shut, and everything will be fine.

10. If you don't know, ask.
Whether it's "how do I hit this joint" or "I'm having trouble holding this roach, can you help" or "How do I pull the slide", don't be afraid to ask. You'll probably piss people off more by pretending you know what you're doing. You're new, we all understand that you have to learn, and we're all willing to teach you. Just be patient, be respectful, and be ready to get really baked.

DS Original: 7 Easy Ways to Conserve Bud

1. Store your bud in a jar
It doesn't matter if you're picking up dime bags on the weekend or moving QPs on the daily - storing your nug in a jar will conserve it longer. There are two main reasons why a jar will conserve your nug:
  1. Shake-no-more: keeping your bud in a jar greatly reduces the chance of your nug breaking apart into shake while it is being stored. If you keep your bud in a plastic baggy, any pressure or friction can cause beautiful buds to crush up into shake. This degrades the quality of your bud instantly. A jar will protect your bud keeping it in perfect nugs for longer.
  2. Air tight: You know when you put a bag of weed in your drawer and find it a week later all dried up? Keeping your weed in jar will greatly extend the freshness of your nug, locking in moisture. Even if your bud starts to dry out (from excessive opening of the jar or age), you can put something moist (a wet piece of paper towel) in the jar overnight to rehydrate it.
Also, if you have a dedicated weed jar, you'll be less likely to misplace it (as opposed to a little baggy).

2. Don't roll joints or blunts
I know, I know, it's like telling Picaso not to use a brush. But seriously, if you're looking to get the most out of your weed, stay far away from joints and blunts. So many aspects of our beloved rolled items cause you to waste bud. A little bit escapes during the rolling process, a little bit more gets tossed with the roach...all of this precious bud which you could be smoking. Instead, opt for a glass piece. Bongs are certainly the most efficient, although bubblers and bowls also conserve pretty well.
Note: If you avoid rolling blunts and joints, you'll also save countless dollars that you would've spent on papers, blunt wraps, or cigars...and it'll be more money in your pocket to spend on weed!

3. Use a screen
Since you'll only be using a glass piece in order to make the most out of your bud, you should probably invest in some simple metal screens. Screens only cost a few dollars and can be found at any smoke shop (even tobacco stores that don't sell any marijuana paraphernalia will have metal screens). Screens will conserve by letting you keep hitting your weed until it is completely ash. No more worries about the bowl pulling through - the weed you used to eat will now be guaranteed to go to your lungs.

4. Try a one hitter or vaporizer
Let's face it - unless you're Chubbs or Tang, it probably only takes you a few tokes to get baked. A one hitter is a great option in this case, as it only takes a tiny bit of nug to pack, and it'll get you very stoned. When you're toking on your one hitter, remember to cap it after each hit. (Capping is when you cover both ends of the one hitter in order to extinguish the marijuana via lack of oxygen.)
If you have some cash to spend though, and you want to invest in the highest form of bud conservation, get a vaporizer. Vaporizers make use of all of the THC in your marijuana and thus require less to get you stoned as a stone.

5. Avoid moochers and inexperienced smokers
If you're trying to conserve weed, don't smoke with anyone unless they're throwing down or matching as well. It's really that simple. Smoking someone up for free is the equivalent of paying for their dinner - don't do it unless they're your girlfriend/boyfriend, sibling, or a celebrity.

Avoiding inexperienced smokers will also save you bud -often new smokers have no fucking idea what they're doing. This can lead them to volcano a bowl (accidentally blowing back into a pipe and causing the burning marijuana to fly out), ineffectively take hits (thus wasting precious smoke), or do some other stupid newbie shit. New smokers will also be more reluctant to throw down, and they'll probably have worse bud.

6. Spliffs
I know, I know, I said not to roll joints. But spliffs are a very different story. If you're tobacco friendly, just sacrifice a cigarette and roll yourself up a couple spliffs. I find about .5g and a pinch of tobacco make for a nice joint substitute. The combination of weed and tobacco is a great buzz. You'd be surprised how far you can make your bud go if it's all being rolled up into spliffs.

7. Shotgunning
In the weed world, there are many different definitions for "shotgunning". The one I'm referencing here is when Person A takes a toke, kisses Person B and simultaneously blows the smoke into their lungs. This takes practice, but once you know how to do it, it's fucking awesome. Perfect if you smoke with a significant other - for toke each from the bowl, you both get a hit!

got more ideas for conserving your weed? send 'em to !

Want to advertise on TDD?

The Dank Daily is now offering two exciting ways to advertise via our site! TDD is a high traffic site with almost 8,000 hits this month (and we're still growing!). Advertising on TDD is a great opportunity for any marijuana-related website or business! Here are the two ways you can advertise:

1. Sponsored links
See up at the top of the page where it says "Want your ads here"? Well, if you do, that's exactly where they'll go! Sponsored links are $5/month (set in stone - we'll never raise it!) paid via paypal. There are only 3 spaces available for sponsored links, so get them while they're available!!

2. Featured Review
One of the goals of TDD is to review and share websites, videos, etc. related to marijuana culture so that the masses can appreciate them. If you're a website or product owner, TDD can do a featured review of your service or product! We post it up on TDD and submit it! Featured reviews are just $5! Payment is, again, through paypal.

If you have any questions or if you'd like to advertise with us, feel free to contact us at!

DankSites Original: 5 great smoking games to play with your friends

1. Chicago:
A simple concept, but a hard game to play. It goes down like this: You're smoking with your buddies, and someone says "Chicago!". If all members of the smoking circle agree, the game begins. Each smoker takes a hit of whatever is being passed (Chicago is most commonly played with blunts, so I'll use that in this example), and must hold their hit in until the blunt comes back to them. The smoker then exhales their original hit and immediately takes another one. If you exhale your hit before the blunt makes it back to you, you are out. The game continues until one person remains, or until everybody passes out/quits.

Warnings: Chicago is hard to play with more than 4-5 people, as just the time it will take a bunch of stoners to pass the blunt all the way around the circle is pretty long to hold in a hit. Try the game for the first time with a small group (like 3), and once you get the hang of it, move it to a larger group.
Do not play this game if you or any of the players have been smoking for less than 3 months.
This game is extremely difficult with a bong. Try it with a joint or a blunt first, then work your way up.

2. Strip Choker:
This game requires that each player has their own piece/joint/blunt - other than that, it's a simple game.
Each player simultaneously takes a toke of their smoke. All players proceed to hold in their hit as long as they can...because the first person to cough theirs out has to take off a piece of clothing.

Warning: Make sure you have some girls around before you suggest playing this.

3. Cup/The Penny Game
For this game you will need:
- A wide mouthed cup/jar
- A rubber band
- A sheet of toilet or tissue paper (rolling papers can also be used)
- A penny
- A blunt or a joint
First, cover the opening of the cup/jar with the tissue paper and secure it around the cup with a rubber band (Like how you'd put a drier sheet on the end of a sploof). Place the penny in the center of the tissue paper.
Then, spark up your blunt/joint. Each person takes two tokes without exhaling, and then burns a hole in the tissue paper with the burning end of the blunt, and exhales after passing the blunt. You must burn a hole each time you take your tokes. The goal of the game is to avoid causing the penny to fall into the cup. It's kinda like Jenga.

Warning: There is no set rule for what happens to the person to make the penny let your imagination run wild. Maybe make them eat the roach or something (or roll up the next blunt...).

4. Ash Bomber
This one is really simple: Roll up a jay or a blunt, spark it, and send it around the circle. However, keep it to one-hit-pass instead of puff-puff-pass. The first person to let the ash drop loses and is "out". Continue until there is a winner, who gets to finish off the jay/blunt.

5. Jammin'
This one is sorta a joke...but it'll get you fucked up fast. Each player must have their own smoking item (spliffs are suggested, to keep it authentic). The song "Jammin'" by Bob Marley is played, and each time you hear the word "jammin", you must take a hit.

Enjoy! And if you think of any other dank smoking games that you think deserve to be shared with the world, send them to!

you think about this every time you get really baked

carl sagan smoked a lot of weed. for real.


Joe Rogan of Fear Factor talks about Marijuana, DMT, and liiiffffeeeee

Who can smoke the most weed?

On the show "Kenny Vs. Spenny", two friends have competitions to see who can do something better, or who can do more of something.
On this episode, they decided to see who could smoke more weed. See the full video after the "read more" link:

parachute hotbox

notice how the cop fails at catching anyone

blow your own bowl?!

At the Bern Gallery in Burlington, Vermont, you can blow your own glass pipe and smoke it the next day. The Bern Gallery is probably most famous for being the home of the Pipe Classic, but it's also a pretty dank smoke shop. They have live glass blowing DAILY and you can even have them blow a custom piece for you. Or, if you're more serious about your glass, you can lay down $100 for a one hour, one-on-one pipe making tutorial with a professional glass blower. They let you pick the color, and then they show you how to make it, press the bowl in, pop the carb, and even fume it with silver -- but you're doing it all!
The Bern Gallery doesn't have an official website, but you can check out their myspace or facebook for more details. You even get a discount on anything in the store if you (or a family member) are a Vermont resident!!

The dankest online headshop

AquaLab Technologies is the best online source for high-end medical glassware, filtration/resin separation systems, and various other medical marijuana related items. Glassware companies carried include: DC Toobz, HVY, illadelph, SNOB, TORO, and ZOB. AquaLab also offers concentrate utensils, grinders, papers, bee line, etc.

Check it all out for yourself at: AquaLab Technologies

8 foot bong for $20?

Today's DankSite is 8footbong, where you can learn how to make a bong for $20.
Looks like it would give some killer rips. I'd love to fill that baby with ice.
(picture from 8footbong)

support a stoner!

Support A Stoner has moved to it's own blog, visit it here:

Support A Stoner!!

the funniest video on youtube

puff, puff, pass, press play

apparently the story behind this video is that Dan Deacon's friend was tripping balls and Dan recorded him rambling about everything he saw.